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UX vs UI Design: Are they Not the Same?

No, they are not! Often used interchangeably, UI and UX are not the same. Many of us are unaware of this as these terms are frequently used together.

Designing for Tomorrow: Catching Up with UI/UX Trends and Stats 2024

Did you know, voice searches in local languages is soaring in India (projected to grow >50% by 2025!)? As a product owner, now’s the time to have an open eye for what’s trending in UI/UX design and adapt to user behavior shift for staying ahead of the curve in the digital world.

Are You Thinking Smaller? - Micro-Interactions to Increase User Engagement

You might have even noticed those pop-up emojis as suggestions on Facebook which make you want to react using one of them!
A technique which has tremendous potential for driving engagement that often goes overlooked during the design process is micro-interactions, which designers need to ensure to consider.

The Future of UX: Designing Voice Experience

According to a recent Google’s article, 41% of people who own a voice-controlled speaker feel like they’re talking to another person. That makes one wonder, is Voice User Interface (VUI) reshaping the human-device relationship? Let’s get into the details of voice user interface and how to design a seamless voice experience.