

Search ui-design


July 18, 2024

A thumbs up for approval, a wave to greet someone – these are universal gestures understood across cultures. Gesture-based interfaces tap into this innate communication system, making technology feel less foreign and more like an extension of ourselves.

May 13, 2024
UX design versus UI design

No, they are not! Often used interchangeably, UI and UX are not the same. Many of us are unaware of this as these terms are frequently used together.

May 7, 2024

While heuristic evaluations provide focused insights into usability issues based on recognized principles, UX audits offer a broader examination, considering additional factors such as accessibility and visual design.

March 6, 2024
Monsoonfish best UI/UX design agency

While options such as in-house teams, consultants, or freelancers exist, they may not always provide the comprehensive, cohesive approach that a specialized agency can deliver. Working with a professional design agency ensures a reliable solution, bringing together expertise, innovation, and a tailored perspective.

February 23, 2024
UI/UX trends 2024

Did you know, voice searches in local languages is soaring in India (projected to grow >50% by 2025!)? As a product owner, now’s the time to have an open eye for what’s trending in UI/UX design and adapt to user behavior shift for staying ahead of the curve in the digital world.

February 21, 2024
web design trends and stats cover

As design elements and features that were once innovative, become overused and cliché; it’s crucial to ensure your site stays fresh and aligned with contemporary expectations. From visual aesthetics to interactive features, let’s explore the key elements that will shape the web design landscape in the coming year.

February 20, 2024

These trends go beyond aesthetics, they shape the way products are experienced and remembered by users. Embracing innovation, adapting to changing consumer preferences, and integrating the latest design trends into product and business strategies are key to success in the competitive world of digital products.

September 21, 2023

A well-designed navigation leads users to their desired destinations, by elevating their journey and making it more efficient and enjoyable. 

August 23, 2023

Fostering the WOW moments right through the user journey is essential in order to achieve the users delight. Even incorporating the right micro interactions can help establish a lasting impression on your users.