Search Journal
‘Experts possess more data than just judgments!’
The design itself is about thought leadership and designers have a powerful ability to identify valuable insights and information that exists beyond the immediate network; with a broader perspective.
Researchers and designers take this extensive information and return it to their networks with a uniquely translated message in the form of blogs or articles.
Designers can be a very picky, highly judgmental group of folks, mostly because it goes with the job! As the internet has led to the rise of wider, more robust digital networks, obtaining experts’ valuable advice (commentary/opinion) can lead to better decision-making.
Our journal consists of broader perspectives, opinions that matter, expert commentary on everything design; tips, industry insights, and the latest updates on tech, business, and trends, that can be incorporated into businesses like yours.
5 Most Influential Design Trends Of The Past Decade
This year began with a lot of articles around trends of the decade. They say that “the historian is a prophet looking backwards.” Without understanding how we got here, it is not possible to chart the future we desire for ourselves.
How to become a UX Designer - Age no bar!
More often than not, people end up studying courses that they never desired or have less caliber in and have realized it too late. But, what if we told you that if being a UX Designer was your dream then there is no such term as ‘too late’ on this UX path? That’s right, in this UX blog article, we go about guiding and explaining to you on how to turn around your career in simple, dedicated ways.
How Design Saves Dev Time
GTM. The date that hangs on a software development agency’s head like no other. The pressure of delivery then leads to a stack of Management Books piling up on the shelf, a deep-dive into reforming processes such as AGILE or Waterfall. Here, we are going to talk about the impact a UX agency can have in reducing the development costs, launch time-frame and contributing to overall project success.
Using Data in UX, starter's guide
It is natural to assume that designers design and users use. Fairly obvious statement, you’ll say. But quite often, designers are trapped into designing for themselves. That forces users to design their own workarounds where possible, or worse, stop using the app or website; giving rise to memes such as this:
User Testing on Ground Zero
We have all been in this situation. We find ourselves with a lot of great visual design and flows, but realise that we are getting hit by a wave of feedback which we are unable to prioritize. The design needs to be rolled out yesterday. We were in this exact situation once.
5 Ways to Scale a Great Application!
There is ton of re-design solutions out there, all well intended and all solving some solid problems with the apps, interfaces we use daily. At MonsoonFish we decided to look the other way. How do you take an application that is working well, solves it’s users problems and find out what the next big thing for that app is.